
Awesome Limited Edition Metal Gear Solid 3 3DS Systems

To celebrate the release of Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D (which comes out March 8th in Japan) Konami Style is holding a lottery in which you can win these amazing one of a kind 3DS systems. They feature a drawing by Shinkawa (Big Boss or EVA) and Hideo Kojima’s autograph.


Also on the photo are two paper glasses with the eyes of both characters on them, probably referring to the 3D aspect of the game. Other prizes that can be won include signed posters of the game, accessory sets and stickers. To participate in the lottery, you’ll have to buy the game and bring a proof of purchase to the Konami Style Store in Tokyo Midtown. More information can be found here.

The entrance to the Konami Style Store features lifesized posters of both characters:



Below are some more photos of the accessory set, the guide, the 3DS bundle and the glasses.






Source: Hideo Kojima’s Twitter, Kojima Productions’ Twitter, Tsubuyaki Jiroo’s Twitter, Konami Style Twitter

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