
Kojima to show ‘a little bit of the game’ ahead of E3, and send in your questions for Quiet

We’re in the final stretch. E3 is almost here. Kojima Productions is gearing up to the event, and in the next episode of Kojima Station we can expect a small taste of what’s to come.

First, Kojima wasn’t quite certain if he’d show something, writing on Twitter:

Still not sure if I should give a sneak peek of what we’ll reveal at E3 in our this week’s Kojima Station, as E3’s coming up next week…

But it seems he has decided to show ‘just a little bit of the game’ during the next Japanese Kojima Station episode, which airs on June 5th.

This week’s Kojima Station will start at 9pm(6/5) in Japan time, it is pre-E3 special, planning to show just a little bit of the game.

What it is exactly that will be shown remains to be seen. But it looks like the next Kojima Station will be an interesting one.


Also, after attending the Japanese episode last week, Quiet actress Stefanie Joosten will this week be in the English version as well, to answer questions sent in by fans. It is unclear wether they will be answering the same questions that were in the Japanese episode, but new ones can be sent in as well.


The English version will air on Friday. It can be assumed the sneak peek will be shown there as well. To visit Kojima Station’s official webpage, go here.

Source: Hideo Kojima Twitter, ParodiSu Twitter

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