
Play Rising a week ahead of launch and meet Kojima by hosting a party (UK)

Konami is holding a special promotion for their fans in the UK, that gives them a chance to play Metal Gear Rising Revengeances a week ahead of launch, as well as meet Hideo Kojima in person. In order to participate you have to pre-order the game at, and organize a party via ComeRound, that is attended by at least 9 people. After that, 250 lucky winners will receive a party pack containing Metal Gear related goodies as well as an early copy of the game. Participants have to show off their party and these goodies on photos or videos. Then, one of the party groups is being invited to meet Hideo Kojima.

By agreeing to host a Metal Gear party on Saturday 16th February, gamers will not only receive their advance copy but also an exclusive party pack themed around Metal Gear.

Gamers can apply to host a METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE Party via 250 lucky party hosts will be chosen at random with each receiving their pre-ordered game in advance of everyone else. A minimum of nine guests are required to qualify as a host and applicants are encouraged to read the full terms and conditions found on the online submission form.

For full details and rules regarding the promotion, go here.

Source: Konami Europe Official Website

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