Kojima on the way Quiet was received
One thing that has dominated the gaming news the past few days is the design of Metal Gear Solid V’s character Quiet. News sites, fans, developers, everyone had an opinion. Kojima has noticed the controversy, and commented on Twitter.
“I know there’s people concerning about “Quiet” but don’t worry. I created her character as an antithesis to the women characters appeared in the past fighting game who are excessively exposed. “Quiet” who doesn’t have a word will be teased in the story as well.
But once you recognize the secret reason for her exposure, you will feel ashamed of your words & deeds.
Theme of “MGSV” is “GENE”⇒”MEME”⇒”SCENE”⇒”PEACE”⇒”RACE”. Story touches the misunderstanding, prejudice, hatred, conflict caused by the difference of language, race, custom, culture, and preference.
The response of “Quiet” disclosure few days ago incited by the net is exactly what “MGSV” itself is.”
In case you’ve been living under a rock and missed the reveal, go here.
Source: Hideo Kojima Twitter