KP LA (Metal Gear Online developers) received training at Kojima Productions Tokyo
Staff members of Kojima Productions LA have visited the Japanese division for a few weeks to receive ‘training’.
Earlier this year Hideo Kojima formally opened a second studio in the United States, Kojima Productions Los Angeles. It was also revealed that this studio will be in charge of developing the new Metal Gear Online that will be part of Metal Gear Solid V. The western branch is creating the game under supervision of the original Japanese team.
Today Kojima posted a few pictures of the farewell lunch they had with the staff.
“Farewell lunch w/ our LA staff who were here for 2-6 weeks for training.”
“Doing interview.”
“Group shot with LA and Tokyo staff.”
What exactly the training entailed isn’t really clear, but since the LA studio is developing the new MGO right now it is likely they got instructions related to that project – and, probably training in how to best use the FOX Engine in general. This is just speculation though. In any case, it’s good to see there is direct collaboration between the two studios.
Source: Hideo Kojima Twitter