Metal Gear Solid V December update: changes and additions
On the official MGSV website, a detailed post was published listing the changes and additions brought by the recently released December update (V. 1.02). Check out all the new stuff below.
Custom FOB camera and mine placement
Is your FOB vulnerable in places you can’t seem to secure? Now you can catch your enemy off guard by placing cameras and mines in custom locations! Stroll through your FOBs and place surveillance cameras on walls and landmines on the ground, exactly where you want them. Place devices in unpredictable locations to create your ideal security setup. Cover those blind spots and get the drop on intruders like never before.

FOB Mission Event: The Skulls Attack
An emergency contract has come in from a private FOB force taken over by Skull Face’s covert unit, the Skulls! Engage this new mission Event FOB and cleanse the world of Skull Face’s legacy.

Raiden and Cyborg Ninja outfits available in FOBs
Metal Gear fan-favorites, Raiden and Cyborg Ninja, are now available in FOB Missions as compatible outfits. Each outfit provides the wearer with superhuman abilities, which makes it an interesting addition both when using and defending against their power!

Challenge Tasks
Additional rewards are now available for completing various in-game Challenge Tasks. New Challenge Tasks range from beginner to advanced letting players choose which task suits their progression. Completed tasks can help players hone their skills as they tackle different ways to play, or test their mettle with rigorous assignments best left to the bold.

Security Challenge: Advanced Player FOB missions
Think your FOB is an impregnable fortress? Is there no FOB you can’t sneak your way through? New FOB Security Challenges have arrived to put advanced players to task in new demanding ways! Prepare your FOB for the ultimate test then option into the new Security Challenge system, inviting the best players to wage war against your defenses. Or, take the offensive and invade Security Challenge enabled FOBs for a decisive contest. With this new setting applied, defenders are immediately notified when a player begins infiltrating the FOB, maximizing the infiltration risk. Whatever the results, no retaliatory wormholes will open in return, and players on both sides are secured greater rewards than a normal battle. Jump into the new Security Challenges and prove your worth on the battlefield.

Newly added Grade 9 weapons shake up mission tactics!
The weapons keep advancing! A brand new unique arsenal of tactical options have been added with the introduction of Grade 9 (★9) development! In addition to greater fire power, some of these weapons also utilize interesting exclusive abilities. Check out the weapon descriptions below, then try them out in the field to add a new level of strategy when approaching missions.
AM A114 RP[★9]
Arms Material Alpha 114 Riot Pistol
Single-shot tranquilizer gas handgun. A compact non-lethal weapon used for delivering an immobilization agent from a distance. Each round disperses gas upon impact, for immediate effect across a small area. Has a slow rate of fire since each round must be loaded manually.
Molotok-68 Anti-Materiel Rifle
12.7mm anti-materiel rifle. A large-caliber sniper rifle with an extremely long effective range and devastating power and penetration. Has a slow rate of fire due to its bolt-action mechanism.
E-RB WH GEN.[★9]
Wormhole Generator
Place the generator and activate from a distance to instantly warp to that location.
Earn new rewards with Event Points
New, uniquely acquired rewards are now available through our Event Point system! Complete specific tasks in FOB/Event FOB missions to earn Event Points which can be exchanged for previously unobtainable rewards.
Check your rewards and points

New customization feature, Nameplates have been added
Players can now set a nameplate to accompany their unit emblem and status!The nameplates features various characters from the game, and it can be obtained by trading your Event Points. As mentioned above, Event Points can be earned by successfully completing various FOB missions.The main condition on earning these nameplates is to successfully infiltrate the core FOB base of an active defender for a specified amount of time. So show off your stealth skills to your rivals and wear your nameplate like a badge of honor!

New colors and camo patterns added to FOBs
Make your FOBs stand out with additional colors and camo patterns. Utilize the new combat fatigues to infiltrate player FOBs and blend in with their custom base designs.

New Emblems
In response to overwhelming fan request, we’ve included additional emblems featuring story characters, buddies, and other elements.

Unlockable Fourth FOB
Players can now construct a fourth FOB, and even greater expand your Mother Base operations. Additional FOBs provide much higher maximum staff capacity and improve unit functions.

Expand more and build a stronger force!
Other update features
- It’s now possible to add players you want to support directly from your friends list.
- Added diversified ranking conditions and set time period functionality to rankings to broaden comparative stats.
- Added a tab that allows you to matchmake with players of a higher rank than you.
- Implemented various other improvements, balance adjustments, and bug fixes.
- Adjusted mission score parameters.
The update is available for download now.
Source: MGSV Official website