MGSV goodies at TGS 2014: prosthetic arm replica, sneaking suit Snake figure and more
Tokyo Game Show 2014 is in full swing, and on display is a large collection of various pieces of merchandise. Among them are plenty of Play Arts figures, including a version of Venom Snake in the black sneaking suit that he was wearing in the new gameplay video and cutscene. Perhaps the coolest items is a replica of Big Boss’s mechanical arm.
Also, the ‘Metal Gear Collection 2014’ Kojima teased a few days ago, turned out to be a Metal Gear branded clothing line. It includes shirts, jackets and shoes.
Kojima Productions also did a live broadcast of a new episode of Kojima Station, some stills are included as well.
MGSV venue overview
Prosthetic Arm replica
Play Arts Kai Sneaking Suit Snake
Play Arts Venom Snake and Ground Zeroes Snake
Gecco Ground Zeroes Snake
Pictures of the booth, the stage and the event
Source: Kojima Twitter, Kojima Productions Twitter, MGSCollection Twitter, @air_dotter, @senti_terio, @hidemi_mad_dog, Konami Style Twitter, Kojima Station 23,