New Metal Gear Solid V info: interface, side quests, codec
During the gameplay demonstration and presentation on Metal Gear Solid V earlier today, some interesting new information was revealed. The game was being played by Yuji Korekado and presented by Hideo Kojima.
One of the journalists on site was Julien Chièze from French website, who earlier today held a Q&A session answering questions regarding the demo.
It still hasn’t been confirmed wether Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain will be released as two separate games, but according to Chièze, in the way Kojima talks about it suggests that they will indeed be two separate releases.
The demo was being played on a laptop using an Xbox 360 controller. The current gen versions of the game will be more or less similar, but some effects will be toned down, as well as the resolution.
The next-gen demo that will be shown tomorrow will be the same as the demo shown to the journalists: infiltrate Camp Omega and retrieve the red Fox patch bearing the Kojima Productions Los Angeles logo.
However, the demo that will be shown saturday will be a different one. It will take place during the day, which seems to suggest it will be from the Phantom Pain section of the game (since Kojima said earlier Ground Zeroes will take place during the night).
The demo was looking nice, with textures and hair animations that you would expect on current gen consoles. Faces and lighting were beautiful. Chièze was disappointed in the animation when Snake landed on the ground, which was heavy and stiff. But other than that, the animations were richer and more detailed than before.
There is no more interface on the screen, but it will be accessible through a menu. The game world will continue while accessing it, so players need to be careful.
Infiltration is more strategic, more responsive and less linear than before. Snake can hide in the shadows and grab an enemy, after which the game will slow down and the player will be given three options: knock out, kill or interrogate. All of these things happen very quickly.
Chièze said that while it is strange to hear Sutherland voice Snake, the English voices are very well done. During the demo, Snake was talking to himself. The Codec will also make a return, but this time it will be used whilst the player continues playing.
There will also be many side quests, sometimes with wacky goals. Enemies will speak different languages, depending on the mission. There will also be plenty customization, wether it be for Snake’s base or vehicles, such as customizable helicopters.
Source:, via