Next Metal Gear Solid V trailer will include lots of gameplay scenes
Kojima is working on new video material of Metal Gear Solid V to show next month at Konami’s pre-E3 show.
On Twitter, Kojima said there will be a lot of gameplay scenes in the next trailer. Since there are a lot of gameplay scenes, he has to go back and forth between recording gameplay, editing it, going back to record, edit again. It’s different from creating trailers for games of which the subject matter is already done, and takes more than just simple editing skills. This is all taking a lot of time, according to Kojima, but it does sound we’re getting a nice, extensive demonstration next month.
Here are his comments translated from Japanese, by IGN user kiera2:
‘I tried to make a few corrections of the visuals of a PV [Promotional Video] that I organised, filmed and edited earlier. The structure and organisation is very different for cases like Anubis, Castlevania, Rising, etc where I started editing after all the subject matter was complete (delivered), and cases where I was editing at the same time as production of the subject matter was still underway (MGS2, MGS3, MGS4, PW etc).’
‘With things for which footage has already been completed, you can make a PV using editing skill (sense) alone, but that won’t work for things under production. You need to make on-the-spot judgements every hour of every day about things like: Will the subject matter be ready on time or not? Will the quality be right or not? Will the gameplay be enchanting or not? It’s not a question of simple editing alone.’
Kojima’s English comments:
‘Its time consuming since there’s lots of game play scenes in the next trailer as it involves too much work besides editing but recording+.’
‘”Sense of Edit” is key to create trailer but dev in progress titles’ pain in xx as quality’s not 100%. Its not merely edit problem anymore.’
‘Among all my past trailers, you see dif b/w trailers I made at the end of dev (Anubis, Castlevania, Rising) & during the dev (MGS2, 3, 4).’
Source: Hideo Kojima’s Twitter