Q&A from the Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain event at Konami LA
Right now, crimsonfox (who has been contributing to this website as a moderator) is at the Konami studio in Los Angeles on behalf of Metal Gear Informer, getting his hands on the full version (missing only the ending) of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.
During the four day event, which started on the 18th of August, he will be playing the game extensively.
A 1-hour Twitter Q&A session allowed him to share some of his experiences and answer some questions. Check out all his replies below.
Alright comrades, I been here at Konami L.A. since yesterday, I'm 8 hours and obviously can only reveal certain aspects. Any questions?
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @EXEC_PHANTASM No, but it does look fantastic.
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @AzimovParviz He was probably thinking, "I'm going to make a game for everyone who ever loved video games ever" this game has everything
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @ericwhelan All iDroid information is all important, it's constant when you do your job right and things develop
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @raru_maru Everything that has been said about them has been said, they are not a problem. At all…
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @LeoNevess As a hardcore fan for many many years. There is no number…only greatness personified.
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @dawsek Hopefully you understand I can't talk about story elements.
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @Druffmaul Literally nothing is what it seems. This game will throw everyone for a loop.
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @DavidHSnake you're wasting your question
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @anthonyfilipas about an hour and a half
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @thenglishmanSDA probably not
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @WattersMark music is amazing
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @dingbat91 All the features surprised me. The game is mind fuck from the very beginning. Not what you'd expect
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @SUGOI_Smooth as someone who cringed at the fiddle line I will say Kaz's VO in particular… is intense
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @EXEC_PHANTASM Steady as a surgeon
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @wormaction It's Metal Gear don't be a silly Billy
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @anthonyfilipas I played it like blood hungry belligerent asshole. I haven't asked @YongYea yet haha
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @miss_leviathan I'm still trying to get him to agree to dinner
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @MetalGearClube I'm 8 hours in 6% complete
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @B1g_Boss88 @SUGOI_Smooth I have never had a problem with his addition…I continue to not have a problem with his addition
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @Free7hinker @Nyxus_MGS @MetalGearClube Nothing I have played has had this much depth. It's daunting…semi insane…
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @LeoNevess everything is optional. But what kind of soldier leaves business unfinished?
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @Scrufferrs gameplay demos show everything fully upgraded. Nothing is given to you
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @B1g_Boss88 everything's betta, with a little bit of feta
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @redgotstolen I played GZ's for a while to prepare for this event. My perception was betrayed, the AI is no joke
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @PaperSpock 1 big beautiful map
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @Potato_Guy0 10.1
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @Scrufferrs you feel like you have a lot, but there's also a alot to purchase/develop
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @SaladinBigBoss1 Bahahahaha…..hahahabaha
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @redgotstolen compared to other games, it's very very good at keeping you on your toes. And outposts, even forts are varied enough
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @onekanaka @Druffmaul NO DETAILS!
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @Eg3Erdogdu took me a good little chunk of time. I'm not sure if I can say exactly, but… It's defiantly worth taking your time
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @JSkautrup everything looks amazing, I'm on PS4 primarily but the PC version must me l be nuts
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @Camstwita tons of different environments. There's a nice range of difficulties
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @caspermorris13 It's a game for fans for sure. Enough to keep new players invested as well
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @BeaM_Official I smiled at this question… He handles well, shooting from the saddle feels good
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @Wanders_Wonders cinematography by Kojima is something to phone home about in TPP for sure. I've replayed certain parts just to see again
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @fynn_dl The rules of physics still apply to Big Boss
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @MrSirShpee If there was an apparatus holding it up. It just got Fullton'd
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @SolairFrost @Konami @Free7hinker @Nyxus_MGS @MetalGearClube I've played TPP tho…
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @Nate8bit at this point… It's not easy at all 🙁
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
A: @BeaM_Official nope, I'm having fun with everything, personally.
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
Alright y'all… this has been fun but I gotta get back to Mother Base. Mission updated…Thanks to @popcicle and the boss man @Nyxus_MGS
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
Back to work! pic.twitter.com/MUzHu38ef8
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 19, 2015
The embargo lifts on August 23rd. Expect a lot more then.
Update 26/8: After sharing his extensive thoughts on Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain in his review, Carlos Fregoso (crimsonfox) answered further questions people had during a second Q&A session on Twitter. Here are all the answers he provided (once again spoiler free, as he did not go into the specifics of the story).
@TekkZero as a long time fan ,mgs1 boss fights will always stand out to me. But the phantom pain is a very close second. Very close to close
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@famousbrandnew they appear at a certain point but they aren't necessary to continue the story.
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@lukerobertfitch @Nyxus_MGS at first there isn't But you'll have trouble either way. And with all the options to play. Replaying then is fun
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@famousbrandnew it's to hard to choose. Buddies add great variety, weapons customization is massive also.
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@bigpapinel Yes but classic perversion always shines through Haha her story's great And Stephanie's mocap work makes you really feel for her
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@lukerobertfitch some missions are designed like classic modes. But I believe at the very end you can replay with different difficulties
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@StefanoTini1 @Nyxus_MGS compared to other entries everything is explained very very well. Especially characters from other titles.
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@famousbrandnew due to being unprepared about 2hours.The game recommended a rocket launcher and I wanted to see if it was a gimmick. Its not
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@famousbrandnew I tried my hardest to complete it with out the recommended equipment and it was tough. But totally worth it
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@JackMoon21 @Nyxus_MGS a lot if different bases and outposts. Even simple ones never have the same layout. Done are 4 tours the size of GZs
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@JackMoon21 @Nyxus_MGS some are 4 times the size*
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@famousbrandnew the number of buddies in the game is perfect considering all you have to manage and all the options each offer
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@famousbrandnew no but we did play a few rounds of f.o.b
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@B1g_Boss88 @Nyxus_MGS it was weird environment to cry in. But I felt super terrible on a number of occasions and some things made me sick
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@famousbrandnew no outposts out bases feel similar
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@B1g_Boss88 @Nyxus_MGS also, there is one character in particular that makes me want to kill them myself. The story got my really involved
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@dingbat91 weapons, armor, speakers, colors and music
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@famousbrandnew depending on the FOB your invadings rank it gets fucking hard. So everything changes
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@Raine_Sheppard I think this info is somewhere on the internet. But it's incredibly small from what I remember. The games size it's nuts
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@sonic10ultimate no, it's a slow gradual difference between upgrade. But I didn't wait 3 hours or anything that annoying
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@DonovanBoyle1 @Nyxus_MGS not WILD but there's a few treats
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@StefanoTini1 it's my favorite one personally.
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@StefanoTini1 it's so evil, the trailers totally threw me off and I was thankful and surprised MULTIPLE times
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@ckeeton2013 @famousbrandnew from what I saw all micro-transactions only speed up development time nothing else. MGO might be different
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@ckeeton2013 @famousbrandnew more specifically development times for FOB
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@JackMoon21 @Nyxus_MGS I'll quote myself. It's not the biggest open world you'll play in but it has the absolute most toys to play with
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@ShiragamaV @Nyxus_MGS the story question = I dont think they had the need to listen to every cassette tape like I did. Story is great
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@ckeeton2013 @famousbrandnew from what I saw and understood that's not the case
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@famousbrandnew I'd stay 200+ I'll be playing about 500 myself
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@B1g_Boss88 @Nyxus_MGS ahh, I never saw any 🙁
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@MrSirShpee there's a water gun 🙂 I didn't see bows
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@ulisexyacosta your buddies, and support team strikes
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@B1g_Boss88 @Nyxus_MGS it depends on your GMP and resources. And changes with every upgrade first one about 45 minutes to about 1:45
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@ulisexyacosta you can sell them for GMP or to defend you FOB
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@MrSirShpee no it'll stop, but! You'll have a lot to do and when you return to your base it's satisfying to see
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@otaku1014 shit! I wanted to try that too but totally forgot. I'm not sure bro
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@shzi8 the story doesn't pick up till 16 – 20 hours in. But when it does. It's on
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@chris_centrone @Nyxus_MGS they dont waste time with "pointless" cassettes, I listened to maybe 100? Important tapes are highlighted tho
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@bxrlow you can basically put anything together. And it's unlocked in a side quest and it's not even alluded too. It's a totally surprise
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@ulisexyacosta no they are all randomly generated and can't be changed. But the random names are often hilarious
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@VenomFox79 you Fulton various soliders with various special skills
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@yungsad23 @Nyxus_MGS I didn't get to play the GZ save transfer stuff. But I hear it's recruit orientated
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@MrSirShpee yeah, you'd have to leave your console on. or start one when you begin your daily play throughs 🙂
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@MrSirShpee you can cripple the enemies commutation towers and make it difficult to respond to your intrusions
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@MrSirShpee neither do I. That's why I said it's cool to start it when you first jump in
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@666Edwardali @Nyxus_MGS if played right and you unlock it. It can be very very cool and expansive Especially with the more your r&d develop
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@VenomFox79 he's just a legendary gunsmith in the area
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@rayguz32 its something that Kojima fans will understand Hopefully the tragic aspect is received well & people give it a chance to explain.
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@666Edwardali I liked the story a lot personally
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@CallMehEpic side ops? Even if a mission description is repetitive. The bases and outposts are different enough to keep it fun.
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 24, 2015
@SchmittKing depends on the time of day But yes Line of sight can be tough They dont exactly bust out full force theyll check the area first
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 25, 2015
@SchmittKing the ai also adapts to you on your play through. So it changes also. If you use NVG all the time the later half is alot harder
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 25, 2015
@SchmittKing depends I dont know the exact distance but yes theyll notice Trying to drive by a outpost is hilarious when they all gang on u
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 25, 2015
@TheLinianLegacy some R avoidable And some are in huge areas that you can sneak out of In some they use the entire map Boss fights are crazy
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 25, 2015
@TheLinianLegacy but totally miss? I'm not sure. I always went for them haha
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 25, 2015
@SchmittKing put your worries in a sack kid haha. The game challenging on normal. And intense in harder modes
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 25, 2015
@TheLinianLegacy 1000 times yes
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 25, 2015
@TheLinianLegacy I can't answer that. But you won't be disappointed
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 25, 2015
@TheLinianLegacy defiantly.
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 25, 2015
@TheLinianLegacy yes, but it is also their opinions. But the gameplay totally makes up for it 2 fold.
— crimsonfox (@crimsonfox_MGI) August 25, 2015