Kojima on the Prologue Immersive Advisory Board
It seems like Kojima didn’t have enough on his plate already, as website VRDB reports that the famous developer is now on the advisory board of Prologue Immersive, a company creating virtual reality experiences. Kojima will be using his experience in gaming to assist the Coopers (Kyle -who has worked on title sequences for Metal Gear before- and Kimberly Cooper) with their VR projects. The article reads:
“Hideo Kojima, the world-renowned game creator and auteur known for pushing the boundaries of the video game medium, is now on the advisory board at Prologue Immersive. Hideo Kojima’s focus is constantly on the future. Kojima said Virtual Reality could change not only games but people’s lives and how people interact with entertainment, education and more. Together with Kimberly Cooper, co-founder and CEO of Prologue Immersive, and partner Kyle Cooper, Hideo is applying his experience in gaming to shape the future of VR.”

As for Kojima’s statement on the matter, the article reports:
“After visiting Prologue Immersive in March 2016, Kojima explains that, “I’m very excited to hear that masters of the visual arts such as Kyle Cooper and his team are taking on yet another challenge in this digital interactive media that is VR. Through VR, I am certain they will strive to connect films and video games and take us on to that bridge to the future that lies ahead. It would be my absolute pleasure to assist the Coopers on this new adventure they are embarking on”. He concludes, “We can expect a whole new world of entertainment. 2016 will surely be remembered as Year One for VR.””
Source: VRDB, via Prologue Immersive Twitter, Prologue Immersive Website