MGS Snake Eater 3D Releases in Europe and Japan
Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D launches today in Europe and Japan for the 3DS. In the US, the game has been out since February 21st. Some photos of the launch event, MGS3D related merchandise and the limited MGS3 themed 3DS systems have appeared on Twitter.
Konami Style in Tokyo was holding a lottery in which purchasers of the game were able to win special prizes.
People could come to the stand in Akihabara, Tokyo for the special release event, until 8PM today. They had a chance to win a special 3DS system with Kojima’s autograph and a Shinkawa drawn Big Boss or EVA on it. As a consolation prize they could win a signed poster or another small prize.
In addition, first costumers could receive a pair of paper glasses representing the eyes of Big Boss and EVA.
Below is another photo of the special Snake Eater 3DS bundle, as well as what seems to be a promotional calendar.
Lastly, here is a photo of the Konami Style store in Tokyo, and another picture of the game in store shelves, along with some merchandise.
Source: Kojima Productions’ Twitter, Hideo Kojima’s Twitter, Tsubuyaki Jiroo’s Twitter