More info on the changes the next update will bring to Metal Gear Online on April 7th
This week’s volume of Designer’s Notes focuses on the changes and new features the upcoming update will bring to Metal Gear Online. This update, Ver. 1.11, will be released on April 7th and will add the new Survival mode to the game, as well as numerous other adjustments.
This week’s info is devoted to the new update, Ver. 1.11, featuring the long-awaited Survival mode available April 7th! The update notes are below, with the parts in blue detailed at the end:
・New “SURVIVAL” mode has been added. Detailed Info
* You can play SURVIVAL even if you don’t have the EXPANSION PACK “CLOAKED IN SILENCE” , as long as you have a minimum of one (1) SURVIVAL TICKET.
* 10 (non-stackable) SURVIVAL TICKETS are distributed during the regularly scheduled maintenance each week. SURVIVAL TICKETS do not carry over week upon week.
Stats Display
・It is now possible to view the personal stats screens of other players. (*1)
* Other players’ personal stats screens can be viewed from the briefing screen, scoreboard, ranking screen, etc.
* Please note that some parameters are not displayed, such as the names of the player’s characters and the number of MB Coins possessed by the player.
Voice Pitch
・A new “Voice Pitch” setting has been added to the “Voice” settings in player character creation. Detailed Info
* There are 9 different levels from -4 to 4. The Voice Pitch setting for pre-existing characters is 0.
* You can set Voice Pitch when creating a new player character.
Random BGM
・”RANDOM” has been added to the list of BGM Sets you can select on the briefing screen. Detailed Info
* A BGM Set will be selected at random from the entire pool of BGM Sets.
* Your BGM Set will not change in the middle of a mission.
Balance Adjustments
・Adjustments have been made to the damage applied to fulton balloons attached to players as well to fulton balloons attached to the missile in “SABOTAGE”. (*2)
・The settings for changes in rank have been changed for each mission type.
* Before: A large change in rank for AUTOMATCH, a small change in rank for CREATE MATCH/SELECT MATCH.
* After: A large change in rank for SURVIVAL, a small change in rank for AUTOMATCH, no change in rank for CREATE MATCH/SELECT MATCH.
・The amount of GP obtained from each type of game mode has been changed.
* Before: Large amount from AUTOMATCH, small amount from CREATE MATCH/SELECT MATCH.
* After: Large amount from SURVIVAL, small amount from AUTOMATCH, no GP obtained from CREATE MATCH/SELECT MATCH.
・Adjustments have been made to the trigger detection conditions on placed weapons such as claymores.
・Reduced the influence of latency on player actions. (*3)
・When standing still, the player character’s head will now turn in the direction the camera is facing.
・Rank will now not be updated when joining in the middle of a game.
・When Dedicated Hosts send preset text, their names will now be displayed in yellow.
・A maintenance notification will now be displayed on the game screen before a new maintenance begins. (*4)
・The mission objective window can now be hidden via the option settings.
・New preset texts have been added.
・Score logs are now displayed while on the kill screen.
Now, I would like to elaborate on the parts highlighted in blue.
・It is now possible to view the personal stats screens of other players. (*1)
Until the last version, the player was only able to view their own personal stats, but from Ver. 1.11, by setting the cursor to other players in the leaderboard / scoreboard screen and opting to show stats, you will be able to see the stat info of other players.
・Adjustments have been made to the damage applied to fulton balloons attached to players as well to fulton balloons attached to the missile in “SABOTAGE”. (*2)
We have enhanced the durability of fulton balloons, so they will be more difficult to destroy. With Version 1.10, the fulton balloon attached to the missile was destructable with only one shot using launcher-type weapons, but from version 1.11, you will not be able to destroy it with a single shot.
・Reduced the influence of latency on player actions. (*3)
In version 1.10, when a player executes quick dive, or during the flinch while sprinting, the character frequently warped forward. We have made improvements to the system so that this phenomenon will happen less frequently.
・A maintenance notification will now be displayed on the game screen before maintenance begins. (*4)
A notice will show 30 minutes before the start of a new maintenance period. After the notice is shown, you will not be able to start a new SURVIVAL attempt.
While this update features SURVIVAL mode and only the content listed above, various fixes will also be implemented at the same time.
While we continue development and promotional support for Metal Gear Online, the team is working an irregular schedule in the coming weeks and will not be able to release Designer’s Notes on a weekly schedule.
We’re eager for everyone to try SURVIVAL mode and the new changes. We’ll continue to take in your feedback and watch for issues to fix. Please share your thoughts, and of course screens and video of great MGO gameplay through the Official Twitter!
Thank you for your continued support, and we’ll see you on the battlefield !
Source: MGSV Official Website