
Check out the classy packaging of the Gild Design MGSV iPhone Cases

Last week Gild Design announced the price and release date of a set of pricey, but fancy looking MGSV themed cases to be used with iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. The cases released two days ago on April 16th. On Twitter, some people have posted pictures of two of these cases and their classy looking packaging.

Diamond Dogs version

Gild-Design-Diamond-Dogs-Case Gild-Design-Diamond-Dogs-Case-BoxGild-Design-Diamond-Dogs-Case-Box-2

Snake version

Gild-Design-Snake-Case Gild-Design-Snake-Case-BoxGild-Design-Snake-Case-Box-2Gild-Design-Snake-Case-Box-3Gild-Design-Snake-Case-Box-4

Update 5/18/2015: The official Metal Gear Twitter posted two new pictures of the cases and its packaging.

MGSV-Gild-Design-iPhone-Cases-Box MGSV-Gild-Design-iPhone-Cases

For more information and pictures, go here.

Source: 1, 2Metal Gear Official Twitter

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