
Konami details Cloaked in Silence DLC map Azure Mountain

In this week’s volume of Designer’s Notes, the developers discuss changes happening in the next update, and the incoming DLC expansion pack Cloaked in Silence, giving a detailed look at the new map Azure Mountain.

Last week, we shared some details of upcoming changes we’re making to the E.LOCATOR.
This week, we’d like to discuss some changes happening in the next update that will affect player’s health and damage.

Right now, in order to secure a kill, a player needs to be quicker at the draw instead of sure in their aim. The team would like to improve the damage generosity of a well-placed shot over a speedy one when downing an enemy, and are taking steps to do so.

For instance, in the March update, the camera sway will be significantly reduced when taking damage while aiming. Currently, when a player takes damage while aiming, the camera jolts to the side affecting the shot. This sway will be reduced, allowing players to continuously fire accurately even while taking damage. With this change, if you’re able to land a headshot even when you’re hit first by your opponent, you still have a chance of taking them out.

We’re also making various adjustments to the damage levels of different weapons.
Damage for all Submachine guns, all Assault Rifles, all Machine guns, and all lethal launchers will be reduced. Conversely, damage on the following weapons will be increased: S1000, KABARGA-83, AM D114, GEIST P3, URAGAN-G. Although the damage values have been adjusted for the above weapons, headshot damage values specifically are not undergoing any significant change. For example, you can still secure a one-hit-kill with a headshot using the UN-ARC.

The greatest difference is seen when using lethal launchers.
If you’re too far from the target, eliminating an opponent with a single shot to the body using say a SERVAL AMR-7 or any lethal launcher, is much less likely. The above applies to all classes, including attacks on Infiltrators.

Lastly, we have some more new information to share regarding the upcoming DLC [EXPANSION PACK “CLOAKED IN SILENCE”]. We’ve already revealed greater details about 2 of our new maps, CORAL COMPLEX and RUST PALACE. Today, we’d like to give some more details about our 3rd new map, AZURE MOUNTAIN.

Most of you may remember this map as “Ditadi Abandoned Village” from MGSV:TPP.
The map is located in a vast field in Africa centered by an iconic rock formation known locally as the “Cradle of Spirits”.

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Securing the top of this rock gives your team a surveying advantage with a wide range vista of the entire map. To counter this, there are multiple Mortar placements on the lower grounds, making players on top of the rock an easy target. The undulating terrain and the abandoned village structures provide various cover points, making it slightly more difficult to spot the enemy.

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The DLC [EXPANSION PACK “CLOAKED IN SILENCE”] is scheduled to release this March. On our way to release, be sure to check back each week for the latest Designer’s Notes as we provide further details on all the upcoming content.

Source: MGSV Official Website

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